How to get a STAR Affiliate Started in your state
The STAR framework is adaptable and seamlessly integrates with local and regional partner program priorities. The STAR field forms and 1-5 scoring systems are adapted in each region through a grassroots, locally led process that distills the known science and the years of producer and agricultural professionals’ knowledge and experience into recommendations for practice and management changes that address local natural resource concerns. STAR participants receive a Conservation Innovation Plan, free & unbiased technical support, public recognition for conservation accomplishments and progress, and connections to financial incentives and market-driven opportunities that support practice implementation. Potato growers in Idaho, corn farmers in Illinois, and livestock producers in Colorado are all making their way along a path of 1 (minimal conservation practices) to 5 (maximization of conservation practices) in a way that meets their individual needs.
National STAR provides guidance and support to Affiliates as they are becoming established and as they continue to grow. The STAR team will focus on evaluating potential state Affiliate entity needs and capacity, supporting the establishment of Steering Committees and Science Committees, facilitating development of locally relevant field forms and scoring sheets, adding automated forms and scoring to the STAR WebApp, providing templates for training, outreach, and consistent communications, facilitating connections to cost share and market-driven incentives, hosting Affiliate staff networking sessions to share learnings and challenges, and initiating and supporting additional research to inform and improve STAR and STAR Affiliate initiatives.

Locally driven evaluation of local needs and resource concerns; establish locally led Steering Committee and Science Committee
Identify Affiliate organization and develop capacity, define purpose and goals, make plans, and find partners
Develop program tools – field forms and scoring system, state specific STAR materials, outreach and communications
Connect to local partners for technical support and other resources
Identify programs and partners for incentives