STAR is a national, non-profit organization established to develop and expand the STAR framework for conservation practice evaluation, implementation, and valuation. Designed and led by producers, the STAR tool utilizes science and experience to target local solutions for local natural resource concerns, and to support farmers and ranchers on their conservation journey – wherever they are.

Steve Stierwalt
STAR Co-founder and Board Chair
Steve Stierwalt is an Illinois corn and soybean farmer whose interest in conservation began 25 years ago due to his personal belief that farmers and ranchers must do a better job of preserving the agricultural resources that we have been entrusted with; to not only maintain these resources, but to improve them so that future generations can enjoy clean water and healthy, productive soils. Steve earned a BS in Ag Economics from the University of Illinois, co-founded (2017) and is board chair of Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources (STAR), was President of the Association of the Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts (AISWCD) from 2016 to 2020, was a member of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Executive Board from 2021 to 2023, and was a Prairie Farmer magazine Master Farmer in 2006. Steve and his wife, Judi, are the proud parents of 3 children and 9 grandchildren, and currently farm near Sadorus, Illinois with their son, Greg.

Dennis Carney
STAR Board Member
Dennis Carney, a retired fifth generation grain farmer from north-central Iowa, graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in agronomy and a strong interest in soil conservation and water quality strategies. With support from his grandfather and some temporary objections from his father, Dennis began no-till farming all their cropland in 1985 and he initiated cover crops in 2012.
Dennis served as FSA county committee chairperson for almost twenty years and then as a Soil and Water Conservation County Commissioner for approximately ten years. He became active in Iowa’s state association of conservation districts, Conservation Districts of Iowa, and served six years as an officer, including two years as president. While representing Iowa on the national level he became aware of the STAR program and supported its adoption within Iowa.
Now retired from active farming, Dennis and his wife moved to the mountains of Colorado to be closer to their two sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. Dennis now leases his cropland to a young area farmer; the lease requires his renter to maintain and enhance his conservation efforts by using the STAR program to evaluate, implement, and value conservation strategies.

Cindy Lair
STAR Board Member
Cindy Lair is the Deputy Director and Climate Resilience Specialist for the Conservation Services Division at the Colorado Department of Agriculture. She leads the Agricultural Drought and Climate Resilience Office (ADCRO), which includes the Soil Health Program, STAR Agricultural Ranking Framework, Agricultural Water Policy, and the Advancing Colorado’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ACRE3) programs. Within her duties she also oversees the Colorado State Conservation Board and serves on the Colorado Natural and Working Lands Working Group for the US Climate Alliance. She works on agricultural water quality and quantity issues, including Salinity control and the Colorado PFAS Task Force. Cindy graduated from Colorado State University in Natural Resources Management and is an alumna of the Colorado Agricultural Leadership Class of 2014.

Jeff O’Connor
STAR Board Member
Jeff O’Connor is a farmer from Kankakee, IL raising 850 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, and double crop soybeans. As a graduate of the University of Illinois (1988) with a degree in Agricultural Economics, he has been a Certified Crop Advisor for 24 years and holds a Sustainability Specialist Certification. Jeff has been a Director with the Kankakee County Soil and Water Conservation District for over 20 years and currently sits on the Board of the Illinois Soybean Association as an At-Large Director where he serves on the Market Development Committee. Jeff is married to Gina and has 3 grown children and 1 grandchild.